Download Xbox One Games

Download Xbox One Games 1

Today we would be ranking the top 10 Xbox One Games of 2018. Our Xbox games list is: Far Cry 5, Sea of Thieves, Code Vain, Red Dead Redemption, Skull and Bones, Metro Exodus, Vampire, Kingdom Hearts 3, Jurassic World Evolution, Monster Hunter World,…

Download Vampire

An action adventure game that takes place in the 1800s during an epidemic. You become a vampire which is a big inconvenience because before you are a vampire you are a doctor treating people for smallpox and now you’re like I want their blood and I want it bad. The combat looks great in this game. The world looks incredible and frankly, it could very well be an instant classic.

Jurassic World Evolution

Number 9 is Jurassic World Evolution, which is kind of a theme park simulator. Except for with Jurassic Park, It’s kind of a game that a lot of us really wanted to have the management elements and the “dinosaur, making elements”. The idea of experimenting and creating your own dinosaurs to me seems like a really enjoyable one and then basically making a successful or an unsuccessful park. It’s really up to you. I think both could be interesting, but I’m looking forward to this and I hope you are as well.

Monster Hunter World

Number 8 is Monster Hunter World. If you’ve wanted a Monster Hunter game that is the result of a decade of Monster Hunter games coming up with a bunch of good ideas and then finally making it all fit together in a big ol open world. That’s monster hunter world. I don’t know why. But if you don’t like Monster Hunter you’re not going to like this one, but I think that would take somebody who is just like joyless. Monster hunters are awesome and the monster underworld is the new hotness as far as I’m concerned.

Code Vain

Number 7 is Code Vain, a game that takes a lot of inspiration, Dark Souls and plops it into a dark anime setting, obviously post-apocalyptic and though it does remain dark. Obviously, it brings some of that anime absurdity into the mix, and that is something I’m very interested in.

Skull and Bones

Number 6 is Skull and Bones a game derived from the best parts of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag The Naval Battles. I could pretty much just stop there. That’s really all you need to know, but it is a full game based around that. Obviously they’re developing the system so that there’s something more in order to base a full game around it. But that was probably still the most interesting thing: they’ve ever introduced into an Assassin’s Creed game and I kind of missed it in Assassin’s Creed origins, but it wouldn’t have made sense either, pirates and all.

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Kingdom Hearts 3

Number 5 is Kingdom Hearts 3, an utterly convoluted series that we can’t help but love anyway. I’m not going to try to update you on where the health plot is with this thing, because there are a ton of releases, a ton of content, a ton of material to understand and I’d argue that it’s fun enough, nostalgic enough and interesting enough that none of it really actually matters. I mean it matters, but not in the way where you’re like I’ll play It, but only if I understand it, no, don’t worry about that. Understanding comes later. Kingdom Hearts 3 is a fantastic mechanically speaking and of course, it is an obviously interesting setting.

Metro Exodus

Number 4 is Metro Exodus taking place after the previous Metro game, setting you in a post-apocalyptic Russian Federation. With a lot of very interesting, creative and unique monsters you will be fighting against in both sandbox open worlds and linear levels. It’s a very pretty game and it’s one of those games that makes me go why aren’t there more games to take place primarily during the winter? There should be more.

Far Cry 5

Number 3 is Far Cry 5, a game that takes the Far Cry formula, drops it in the middle of America and says: hey what if it was about an extremist cult. It gives us some of the additions that we saw in Far Cry primal, such as the training and domestication of animals. Well, obviously, giving us an absolutely absurd new scenario: It’s far cry, I’m interested! Please don’t mess it up. You’Ve done such a good job with these stories and they’re absolutely lovely.

Sea of Thieves

Number 2 is Sea of Thieves, an expansive pirate adventure where you essentially pave your way and play with friends. Honestly, I’m really looking forward to this game. It’s something I really want to play and if it doesn’t end up working out as cool as it sounds, it kind of has a long way to fall before goes bad because their aspirations are pretty high. If we get 75 % of what they’ve attempted with this, I think we’re still going to have an excellent game.

Red Dead Redemption

Number 1 is Red Dead Redemption. I’ve enjoyed Red Dead Redemption more than I enjoy the Grand Theft Auto series. So you could imagine how excited for this game I am, I will say I’m more excited for the single-player side of it, just as I am with GTA to be completely honest, but some of the modes we’ve heard specifically the Battle Royale is really very interesting. I’m pretty big on the Battle Royale I enjoy the Hell out of it.

What Xbox One game are you looking forward to the most this year let us know in the comment section.

Xbox Fan


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